30 Days Free Trial

  • Am I locked into a contract?

    Nimbu is contract free, if at anytime you wish to stop using Nimbu, simply cancel your account and you will only be charged for any outstanding usage charges for the current month.
    Once you cancel your account it will be inactive and no longer accessible to any of the users within the account. Please note this is effective immediately.

  • What if I am not happy with Nimbu at the end of the 30 days?

    If you are not happy with Nimbu after your 30 day free trial, simply cancel your account before the end of the 30 days and you will not be charged for any use of Nimbu.
    Once you cancel your account it will be inactive and no longer accessible to any of the users within the account. Please note this is effective immediately.

  • What happens at the end of the 30 days?

    If you are happy with Nimbu and wish to keep using it, simply keep your account active and you will be charged $850ex.GST for your first month. At the end of the first month you will be charged $850ex.GST for your second month and any user & storage usage from your first month of an active account out of the trial period.

  • Can any RTO apply?

    Yes any RTO or organisation can apply.

  • How many RTOs can use the one plan?

    There is a limit to one RTO per Nimbu account for compliance and data security.

  • Is the Free Trial only available to RTOs?

    No any organisation can apply for the Free Trial as Nimbu can easily be used for non-accredited training.