Nimbu Features

  • What types of learning material formats are available on Nimbu?

    Nimbu provides a range of content options to be used for online learning.
    These include:

    • Uploading of PDF files
    • Embedding videos, podcasts, Canva presentations
    • SCORM files
    • Or on-screen articles (similar to a blog or website page) using an easy to use HTML WYSIWYG editor
    • Online self marking quizzes

  • Does Nimbu allow for online assessments?

    Yes there are a number of great tools and features that make online assessments easy and efficient for both trainers and students.

    Some of these features include:

    • Self marking questions such as true/false, multiple-choice, selection questions
    • Ability for students to upload files for assessing
    • Question sets for a group of questions related to one another
    • Easy to use feedback and resubmission workflow
    • Automated short answer question when required for further evidence
    • Easy to use and navigate trainer marking dashboard.

    For an extensive understanding and example of these features please visit our support articles here.
    Does Nimbu allow for practical observations?
    Yes Nimbu has a number of great features for trainers to complete their practical observations online.
    Some of these great tools include:
    • Allowing for multiple repeats of an observation
    • Uploading of supporting evidence
    • Student and class level checklists
    • Observer comments
    • Date and timestamps for each observational item

    You can see a demo of these features here.

  • What about trainer marking and resubmissions?

    Nimbu has a great online tool allowing trainers to easily provide feedback and request resubmissions, all from the one place. Watch the demo here.

  • Does Nimbu allow for pre-course material?

    Nimbu allows for both Pre-Course Material and Pre-Training Reviews. Please see the list of features and settings for each below.

  • Pre-Course Materials

    • Default Pre-Course setting at account level allowing quick application to all courses.
    • Upload as much pre-course material per template as you need.
    • Save multiple pre-course templates for individual courses or delivery variations.
    • Option to enforce student acceptance for each item
    • Students are required to view Pre-Course Material prior to accessing their class.

  • Pre-Training Reviews

    • Default PTR setting at account level allowing for quick application to all courses.
    • Easy to build PTR questions and save into a PTR library
    • Easily assign PTR from library to each course
    • Students are required to complete their PTR before accessing their class

    For more details and examples please view our support articles here.

  • Is Nimbu ASQA Compliant?

    All LMS systems are not endorsed by ASQA however Nimbu has been designed and developed in consultation with past and present ASQA auditors as well as RTO compliance experts.

    We believe Nimbu addresses the most key Standards of RTOs 2015 compared to any other LMS on the market.