Online Assessments

Versatile assessment creation tool

Nimbu allows you to build your assessments with a mixture of self marking, evidence upload or short answer questions. Building comprehensive online assessments with ease. Manage and edit the order of your questions as you build.

Assign learning material to a question

In a few clicks you can assign learning material from your content library to a particular question. Students will be prompted with access to this material as they complete their assessment.

Accredited and non-accredited training

Nimbu allows you to blend accredited and non-accredited training materials and assessments all in the one place. Build your course the way you want to, with non-accredited activities, learning material and units alongside your accredited training.

Self marking assessments with limited attempts settings for further evidence

With a limited number of attempts, you can easily capture further evidence with an automated short answer question if students reach the incorrect attempts threshold as set by you.

Upload questions

Designed to handle larger project based assessments or presentations, students can upload their work or evidence of practical work for online assessment.

Trainer to student feedback and resubmission tool

Streamlined assessment communication with feedback and resubmission requests managed within the one Nimbu platform. All trainer feedback and resubmission requests are logged with the assessment for evidence records.