Practical Observations

Individual and classroom observation UI

Flexible online practical observations, choose to observe an individual or a classroom. Easily switch between the two views as you go.

Individual and classroom observation checkpoint settings

Choose if an observation checkpoint is applicable to the individual student or the class as a collective group observation.

Date/time stamped observations

Nimbu allows you to capture the date and time of the observation at each checkpoint. Allowing you to easily complete the observation over a number of sessions and log each session.

Extensive comments and notes

Trainers can add comments to the entire observation or each observatory checkpoint as they go.

Evidence upload tool

Need to upload evidence as part of your practical observation? Nimbu allows trainers to upload a range of files directly from their mobile devices or computer. Choose to upload evidence at each checkpoint or the entire practical observation as a whole.

Flexible practical observation configuration

Nimbu has designed the Practical Observation configuration to provide the flexibility to meet a wide range of RTO delivery needs. Include multiple observations, evidence capturing, multiple sessions, student and classroom level observation as well as a range of observation types such as file uploads, checklists or short answers.